The Master's Degree in Signal Theory and Communications (MSTC) is offered by the Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications (SSR) department of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers (ETSIT) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and provides a complementary perspective to that offered by other professional masters of the ETSIT-UPM. Its objective is to provide its graduates with skills demanded by industry, research centres and the University to work in some of the most relevant topics of current interest worldwide. The degree is offered entirely in English: the classes, the study material and the interaction with the professors.
MSTC has two tracks:
Radiofrequency technologies and systems: corresponds to a classic telecommunication engineering area led by SSR.
Signal processing and machine learning for big data: addresses new
challenges in applying signal processing and machine learning techniques
to massive datasets, covering topics that are currently in high demand
in different industry sectors.