The research of the Department of Signals, Systems, and Radiocommunications (SSR) is structured around twelve groups working on different lines within the area of knowledge. All of them carry out their activities at the R&D&I Centre for Information Processing and Telecommunications (IPTC), within the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineers (ETSIT) at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Our research groups
GAPS – Grupo de Aplicaciones del Procesado de Señal
GAPS was created in 1988. Today it numbers 8 full-time professors as its members. The group develops research in the general fields of data engineering, system theory and analysis, speech and sound technology, and smart sensor systems, both electromagnetic and ultrasonic. The main focus is on signal theory and data processing. Research areas include distributed processing and deep learning with applications to definition of attack and defense mechanisms in communication networks, autonomous navigation in vehicles.
There is also ongoing work on machine learning as applied to: human-machine interaction, screening and evaluation of clinical conditions based on speech processing, behaviour evaluation and optimisation through reinforcement learning, and algorithmic Trading Systems.
We must add activity on speech analysis, synthesis and recognition, plus artificial audition and spatial sound systems. Finally, a research area develops the theory of non-linear systems using parametric methods and statistical modeling, with applications to precision instrumentation.
GC - Grupo de Circuitos
GC/SSR is a research group interested in Multidisciplinary Applications of Neuroengineering and Bioinspired Artificial Systems: Neuromanagement, Educational Neuroscience, Swarm Intelligence and all applications where Bioinspired Artificial Intelligence can interdisciplinarily contribute to advance the state of the art in almost any field ranging from biomedical signal processing and medicine CAD to failure detection, prediction or cibersecurity.
Bioinspired research developed in the group also includes Mathematical models of natural properties as Fuzzyness and Fractality and inspiration in Neuroscience generate new Bioinspired Machine Learning algorithms from Big Data and for Big Data Analytics that presently promise a long-term impact in incipient Industrial Revolution 4.0
GATV – Grupo de Aplicación de Telecomunicaciones Visuales
The Visual telecommunications applications research group (GATV) was created in 2004 with the ambitious goal of leading the national audiovisual landscape in the research field, being in close cooperation with the national and European industry. GATV participated in more than 150 research projects (15 in H2020). GATV coordinates the RTVE Chair at UPM.
The research lines are:
- Artificial intelligence applied to intelligent environments for various sectors such as security, health, energy, logistics, retail, transportation, etc. combining IoT and computer vision.
- Signal processing, with special emphasis on digital video, including video compression, new audiovisual distribution systems and QoE analysis through machine learning.
- Communications systems for new digital media (P2P networks, mobile TV, IPTV, streaming, etc.), with special focus on 5G networks.
GEA – Grupo de Electromagnetismo Aplicado
The Applied Electromagnetism Group (GEA) has more than twenty years’ experience in developing software tools for the analysis and design of passive devices, periodical structures and antennas for space applications. The group has implemented efficient numerical methods in computational electromagnetics, such as MoM, FEM, Modal Analysis and Domain Decomposition. Different waveguide components (polarizers, filters, diplexers/triplexers, OMTs, power-combiners, Beam-Forming-Networks) and dichroic sub-reflectors have been designed, built and tested. Some of them have flight in Telecom satellites (Hispasat-1A-B-C-E, Artemis, Sesat, Astra-1K-3B-1M, Europe*Star, Newbird, Sky-Bridge, Eutelsat-W2A, Amazonas-2-5, among others) and scientific missions (Mars Express, Venus Express, Rosetta, Herschel-Planck, Bepi-Colombo).
The group has been leader in several ESA contracts to develop innovative reflectarray technologies for space applications, including antennas with different footprints for Broadcast Satellites in Ku-band and for multi-spot coverage in Ka-band. Another research areas are: the development of antennas with reconfigurable or steerable beam using different technologies (pin-diodes, MEMS and Liquid Crystals) at frequencies from 9 GHz to
GMR - Grupo de Microondas y Radar
The Microwave and Radar Group (GMR) has more than 40 years of teaching, research and innovation experience in the fields of radio frequency technologies and systems. GMR is a leader in the development of these technologies in Spain.
Our research lines are:
- High-frequency electronics - from the microwave band to the THz band- applied to various areas such as Defence, Security, Transport and Space.
- Sensors for the Defence and Security sectors: surveillance radars, IFF systems, imaging radars and electronic warfare receivers.
- RF and signal processing technologies applied to the Communications, Transport and Space sectors: radar sensors for intelligent roads, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), LTE and 5G systems in railway environments and for indoor positioning.
GPDS – Grupo de Procesado de Datos y Simulación
The Data Processing and Simulation Group (GPDS), active since the 1990s, focuses its main research activity in the general area of Data Analysis and Processing, and applications in Decision Making Techniques (Command and Control, Fintech, Planning ), Air Traffic Management and Control (ATM / UTM) and Technologies and Services for Smart Spaces.
Some of his research lines are:
- Statistical data and signal analysis, multi-sensor fusion and simulation.
- Optimization techniques, machine learning and applied artificial intelligence.
- Radar processing and management and control of drone fleets.
- Communication, positioning and tracking systems.
- Advanced interaction and personalization systems in smart environments.
- User experience evaluation methodologies.
GR - Grupo de Radiación
The Radiation Group is a leader in research in antenna design and measurement, development of antenna measurement techniques and complete communication systems based on software-radio platforms. The group consists of 8 professors and 10 contract researchers. Many students from the School complete their Bachelor's or Master's theses under the supervision of group members, most of them within one of the research projects the group is working on.
The Radiation Group collaborates in research projects with the main companies in the sector and participates in research activities within national or international consortia. Among its facilities, the Antenna Testing and Homologation Laboratory (LEHA) stands out, with several anechoic chambers for the characterization of antenna systems for different applications such as space, radar, telephony, radio astronomy... and in frequency bands from 650 MHz to above 110 GHz.
GTDS-TR - Grupo de Tratamiento de Señales en Tiempo Real
The Signal Processing Group has worked for more than 30 years in the processing of voice and audio signals, hardware design for digital signal processing and in general in the development of applications related to speech technologies.
The interest of the group components, projects and research activity has been in:
- Speech and audio signal processing
- Speech recognition
- Speaker recognition
- Speaker identification
- Emotion recognition
- Automatic translation systems
- Multi-lingual dialogue systems
- Acoustic signature recognition
- IR signature analysis
- Hardware design for digital signal processing
GTI - Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes
The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes (GTI) [Image Processing Group] is a research group working on theory, methods, and applications of Digital Image and Video Processing, mainly for compression and analysis. Besides specific developments on video related topics, GTI also considers research on complete systems like visual communications, real time computer vision, and multimedia telecom applications. Thus, GTI has developed facilities and toolkits for the design and implementation of video delivery systems and machine-learning based computer vision applications.
Currently, GTI activity focuses on immersive video communications and extended (VR, MR, AR) and shared reality applications, including deep-learning for visual computing. GTI infrastructure includes three labs: a complete 3DTV laboratory (3DTV Lab) endowed with a 3D acquisition system, a 3D post-production system, and several 3D displays, a real-time free-viewpoint video laboratory (FVV Live) endowed with linear and planar camera configurations, lightweight schemes for video acquisition, transmission, and rendering, and minimal motion to photon latency, and an immersive laboratory (ImLab) for 360VR, volumetric video and extended/shared reality.
GTIC – Grupo de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones
The R+D+i activity carried out by the Group is in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), focusing on one hand in their politic, social and economic impacts. On the other hand the group works in radiocommunications, fixed, mobile and broadcasting with special emphasis in Mobile Communications and Radio Propagation.
Main research areas:
- Techno-economic analysis and modeling of next-generation networks in the ICT sector
- Regulation of the telecommunications sector and the digital ecosystem.
- Radiowave propagation.
- Troposphere effects in microwaves and millimeter waves
- Regulation and Planning of radiocommunication systems, fixed, mobile or broadcasting, terrestrial or satellite.
- Simulation and performance analysis of mobile systems: 4G, 5G
- Assessment of public policies for the telecommunications sector and the information society.
- Coordination and support to expert groups for prospective analysis (technology, markets, regulation and public policies).