Caracterización del tráfico móvil a través de datos masivos colaborativos.

Responsable: Luis Mendo Tomás [] Fecha: Desde enero de 2022 (flexible) Area: Comunicaciones móviles, 4G, 5G, machine learning, crowdsourced data, espectro radioeléctrico Tutores: Luis Mendo y Zoraida Frías Durante la última década, el tráfico en las redes móviles ha crecido de manera muy significativa, por lo que es necesario optimizar la capacidad de las redes,…

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Design and implementation of an annotation tool for echocardiograms to assist Kawasaki disease identification (Ref: Kawasaki).

Responsable: Julián Cabrera [] The Kawasaki disease is the most common heart condition affecting young children, usually under five years old, in developed countries. The disease is responsible for the damages of blood vessels all over the body and results in vasculitis, myocarditis and coronary dilation causing long term heart complications. Therefore, it is essential…

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Design and implementation of a depth estimation approach for Free Viewpoint Video environments using deep learning approaches (REF: DEPTH).

Responsable: Julián Cabrera [] Free Viewpoint Video is an immersive multimedia system that provides the user the capability to move freely on a scene that is captured by a multiview set up of cameras. For the performance of the system, it is crucial to capture the geometric information of the scene (depth maps). This Master…

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Design and implementation of a data augmentation system based on generative adversarial networks for exanthema images (Ref: Exanthema).

Responsable: Julián Cabrera [] This Master Thesis addresses the problem of the lack of annotated data to train deep-learning-based algorithms in different areas of research. In this case we focus on a system to assist the diagnosis of skin problems in children that is being developed by the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes. The objective…

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